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Psychotherapist - Ahmedabad

Available for Home Visit

Dr. Nirav Patel (G-61935)

MD Psychiatry

Science City, Sola, Ghatlodia, Vadaj, Gota, Bopal, Ranip, Thaltej, Shilaj, Bhadaj, Oganaj, Vaishnodevi, Chandkheda, Motera, Chandlodia, Bodakadev, Ambli, SG highway, Kalol, Adalaj, Koteswar, Sabaramati

  • Experience : 5+ Years
  • Time : 9:00 am To 9:00 pm
  • Min. Visit Charge : Rs. 2000/-

  • 2
    Dr. Pinkesh Solanki (A91770)

    B.A., M.A.(Cli. Psy.), P.D.C.P.(Cli. Psy.), D.C.C.P., Ph.d. (Psychology).

    Chandkheda, Motera

  • Experience : 5+ Years
  • Time : 12:00 pm To 1:00 pm
  • Min. Visit Charge : Rs. 1250/-